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How to disable ZoneAlarms Forcefield so that Alcohol works correctly

1. open "Run" and access "services.msc"

2. Scroll down to "ZoneAlarm Forcefield"

3. Select "Disable" and apply

4. Open the Zonealarm extreme security control center by right clicking on the taskbar icon

5. Go to preferences, and "Uncheck" load on start up.

6. Shutdown Zonealarm extreme security from the task bar icon

7. Restart computer

8. After restart, and everything else is loaded, go to "Start" "Programs" "Zonealarm"

9. Activate Zonealarm from the program icon

10. After zonealarm loads (without forcefield this time) verify operation of virtual drives on Alcohol 120%

11. Open zonealarm Extreme Security from the task bar icon, "Check" Load on start up.

12. Restart again and check Alcohol 120% for virtual operations after everything has loaded.