PS2 (DVD)1. Put your PS2 disc into source DVD-Rom drive. Then Using Alcohol 120% "Image Making Wizard" create your image, (Note it is best if your hard drive is formatted to NTFS format due to windows file size handling ) In "Separate Image File Every" "select Never Separate" click on "Next"

2. Select where you want Alcohol to place your Image File and the name for your image (its best to leave the name as it is shown on the original Disc.) Click "Start"

3. Depending on the size of the game and the speed you have selected will depend on how long it takes to create the image. (Formula 1 2001 took just 5:02 mins for the image to be created). If you get any error messages at this stage be sure that the source disc is not badly scratched or dirty. When image is created click on "Finish"

4.Now that you have your image you will need to burn it (You will need a DVD writer for this) Click on "Image Burning Wizard" and select the image you just created. choose if you want to delete the image after the writing process by checking the little box. Click "Next"

5. If your happy with everything just go ahead and click "Start" In this image you will see I selected to "Simulated Write" this was purely because at this time I was down to my last DVD-R Disc. You can select Simulate to be sure that everything is going to be ok. or you can ignore this.

6. Once the recording process is complete, you can click on "View Log" if it contains errors you can mail this to support who will be able to tell you why the errors occurred and give you a solution. (This also goes for the image creation log)

As you can see there were no errors reported in this image burning log.
7. Take your burned back up disc put it in your chipped/bootdisc option Playstation and have fun, put your expensive original back in its box and in a safe place ready for if the kids manage to destroy your not so expensive back-up.
Note: This will only work if you have a ModChip or another Mod system installed. No software is capable of making a backup of a PS2 game that does not require a Modchip or other hardware Mod.
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