Activating Additional activation keysOnce you have purchased your additional activation please log into your account here http://users.alcohol-soft.com/login.php and go to the activations page as described above
You will now see the following text “your Alcohol license for this product is valid for 2 computers at a time” This includes a single computer with dual boot OS.

If you have previously switched activations between PCs or your hardware key has changed you may see some none active hardware keys in your account please delete these at this time so as to avoid confusion.
You should now download and install Alcohol onto your second PC\OS when you come to activate you may receive a pop up message stating that a different Computer has been detected if the Hardware Keys are different. If there is only one Hardware Key used then Alcohol should register with no problems without needing to activate manually which is described below.
If this happens please log into your account http://users.alcohol-soft.com/login.php and go to the activations page again. You will now see two hardware keys in your activations box one will be marked as active the other not. You now need to set both keys to active, to do this use your left mouse button to highlight both hardware keys. Then click on the “Activate selected keys” button
You should now see that both Hardware keys are marked as active

You now need to go back to the freshly installed Alcohol and re enter your serial number and email address, Alcohol will now be activated.
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