The Alcohol data type search bar lets you search google and our data type protection database directly from your browser.

If you are unsure what data type to select simply enter the name of the CD/DVD you are making a backup of, and click on the arrowed icon. You will then be taken to our dedicated database of known copy protections where a list of games matching your search criteria will be displayed.

If the game you are looking for is not located you can download software that can scan your disc for you giving you the correct data type, once you know the protection you can add it to our database using the form provided so that it can be used to help others.
There are other benefits to installing our search bar, for example the latest information from alcohol is available directly from your browser, along with direct links to our FAQ, support forums, contact page and even local weather, email notification, etc...
To download the search bar please click the following link:
Download Toolbar